
2024 Schedule of Events

(Schedule subject to change)


  • Noon Registration check-in desk opens (white canopy tent near astronomy field entrance)
  • 1PM – 2PM?  Solar Viewing Station
  • 3-5PM  Swap Meet (Buy/Sell/Trade astronomy equipment, books, etc)
  • 6pm  Registration check-in desk closes for the day


  • 10AM  Registration check-in desk opens (white canopy tent near astronomy field entrance)
  • 10AM – Noon  Swap Meet  (Buy/Sell/Trade astronomy equipment, books, etc)
  • 10AM – 11AM?  Solar Viewing Station
  • 11AM  Children’s Program
  • Noon  Speaker
  • 1:15PM  Speaker
  • 2:30PM  Speaker
  • 4 PM  Keynote Speaker
  • A few words from the CSSP Park Manager
  • Raffle drawing


  • 9AM Star Party Ends


  • Announcements and door prize drawing immediately following the Keynote Speaker
  • All early arrivals are asked to report to the registration check-in desk once it opens